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5 Ways Your Business Can Sell & Serve During The Coronavirus
Looking for ways to serve your community and the long-term success of your business? Here are five ideas to market and sell with heart during this global crisis.
Strategy #1: Buy One, Give One
Companies like Warby Parker and Toms have used this model for years. For every item you sell, give one for free to someone in need.
An inspiring B-Schooler named Line adapted this into her business a few weeks ago for her online hypnobirthing czourse. She made thousands of dollars this month and was able to give her program away to women in need.
My friend, Natalie Golonka, is another example. Natalie designs swimwear and resort wear for her clothing brand, Jungle Gurl here in LA. A few weeks ago, her team started producing stylish cloth face masks that she calls, It’s a Jungle Out There Face Masks. For every mask she sells, she’s donating one to local folks in need. The first round went to elderly people in asvsisted living facilities in her neighborhood.
This buy one, give one strategy is simple but impactful. It’s a way to keep your business running and your team employed while making a difference.
Strategy #2: Donate a Portion of Your Proceeds
This is a strategy anyone can use, no matter what product or service you sell.
Take DJ D-Nice. Right now tens of millions of people are self-quarantined. So what did D-Nice do? He created Club Quarantine and Home School on IG LIVE. These live sets have become so popular that he launched a limited edition D-Nice Club Quarantine hoodie, with 50% of proceeds going to the CDC Foundation Coronavirus Fund.
How could you do this for your business? Whether you donate 25%, 50%, or 75% this is a beautiful way to sell your products and serve your community.
Strategy #3: Offer Scholarships
We’ve used this strategy in our company for years. Our paid training programs like B-School and The Copy Cure have a scholarship program. Every year we give away full need-based scholarships to folks who wouldn’t be able to invest in our training experiences otherwise.
It’s straightforward and a win for everyone.
Strategy #4: Collect Tips and Give The Tips Away
As you’re aware, many brick and mortar businesses who rely on foot traffic have taken a big financial hit. When a small fashion brand and coffee shop called Neve & Hawk was able to stay open and do business curbside, they shared this message with their customers on social media:
“The fact that we are able to open in this capacity while so many of our friends cannot is not lost on us. So many stores & businesses have no way of generating income at this time while their bills keep piling up. Because of this, we will be donating our tips to a different business on the avenue daily.”
This is a brilliant example of businesses helping other businesses. Think through what this means for you. Even if you’re not a business that collects tips, could you show solidarity with your fellow business owners in another way?

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Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy …

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy …